A computer monitor that has a ring going around it ending in a arrow, on the sides of the ring are smaller arrows going in opposite directions of each other with arrows ending them off. Written on the screen is OTG and text under the monitor saying ON THE GO and below that is text saying Technology

Home>Blog>2020 Blog Post(s)>Website Plans

Blog: 2 Date: 2020-12-31

Welcome, This is the second and last blog post this year.

None of these are in any particular order. However, someday they may be made into a specific order.

This list is also primarily for me; I just put them here.

  1. Look into extracting critical CSS to mitigate the Eliminate render-blocking resources message provided by Lighthouse 11.1.0(Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles.) https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/15mjpwz/are_there_situations_in_which_inlineinternal_css/ https://www.corewebvitals.io/tools/critical-css-generator https://jonassebastianohlsson.com/criticalpathcssgenerator/ Google search: "analyse website for seo and change it static" https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/rbel4z/comment/hno898g/ https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/8ss5x4/how_to_improve_seo_in_personal_website_created/
  2. Look through sitemap.xml and urllist.txt and robots.txt at the same time.
  3. Look into the desktop specific layout.
  4. Possibly a tools page with openspeedtest.
  5. Look into combining the cookie deletion methods of cookies-eu-banner.js and removing any unnecessary code, such as the code between the reject button and more link button, and the manage cookie button. This is because clicking the reset button should perform the same function as two of those buttons.
  6. On google chrome in console it says "Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform" inside "cookies-eu-banner.js" specifically the "navigator.".
  7. Change the template page code so you can CTRL + F find "CHANGEME" for everything that needs/should be changed.
  8. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/520939/css-font-size-relative-vs-absolute-values-which-to-use
  9. Look into adding the html, css, javascript banners to the footer of the website and removeing the old one
  10. contact.html form colors make it a little hard to read some of the text.
  11. Make modifications to the Readme.md file Possibly like "https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template#readme" Specifically, Contributing, License, and the Contact area.
  12. Look into adding a button to add contact information to contacts app
  13. See if there is any css not being used
  14. Website Distinguish between links possibly having them a different color
  15. Look into https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/sxxt55/how_do_you_set_up_a_schema_mark_up/
  16. Look into https://uitest.com/
  17. Possibly refactoring or optimizeing the css and js files
  18. website share buttons for social medias
  19. Look at adding another large desktop media querie https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/xlj5ox/what_are_the_mandatory_screen_sizes_your_media/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share check website for browser compatability
  20. Add structured-data web.dev under SEO also check "accessibility"
  21. Look into using Vanillla Javscript https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25860176/how-to-add-a-header-to-all-html-pages-preferably-without-javascript https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8988855/include-another-html-file-in-a-html-file
  22. Possibly remove the Canonicals if I can disable the gitlab.io domain and only have the custom domains SEO perform better then gitlab.io https://en.ryte.com/magazine/canonical-tag-practice-guide Custom domain is not indexed because of being canonicalized
  23. https://www.cssportal.com/css-validator/ Only do "Disallow too many font sizes" "Headings should only be defined once" "Disallow universal selector" "Disallow empty rules" "Disallow use of box-sizing" "Disallow qualified headings"
  24. Blog about "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wSzAcS1ppE&t=2478"
  25. https://www.dareboost.com/en/report/a_062fb14a09956a403a7e38faf?reportIds=a_062fb14a09956a403a7e38faf This page does not specify a breadcrumb for search engines https://instantschema.com/breadcrumbs-schema-generator/
  26. Figure out which schemas this website should have "https://schema.org/WebPage"
  27. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frontend/comments/m00ino/question_about_using_display_flex_on_body_element/
  28. refactor and make website more responsive automatically maybe more flexboxes
  29. https://boldist.co/usability/loading-spinner-ux-killer/
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuA83OYTE7I&t=35
  31. https://www.google.com/search?q=website+add+a+loading+screen+while+it+loads&hl=en
  32. If needed go with "https://microanalytics.io/"
  33. https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
  34. underline clickable text as an alternative. a complementary color to your other text https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel/
  35. https://uxdesign.cc/turn-the-lights-off-designing-the-dark-mode-of-wego-ios-app-6c4967e59dd6. blue, orange, red, green
  36. HTML button redirects on click with delay "no javascript".
  37. https://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/Tech/html-sentences.html
  38. Lookup the best mobile website examples layouts
  39. https://www.stylefactoryproductions.com/blog/six-simple-ways-to-make-your-site-more-visible-in-google-search-results
  40. Look into all the different favicon icon sizes
  41. Be able to Print CSS https://www.reddit.com/r/css/comments/2z5hhp/printing_css/ https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/7t4qmr/comment/dt9t5yh/
  42. Write about making a website from my templates.
  43. Open Graph?
  44. media queries
  45. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/accessibility-insights-fo/pbjjkligggfmakdaogkfomddhfmpjeni
  46. Inline CSS
  47. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/intro-structured-data?hl=en
  48. flexbox. should not be using BR as they break screen readers and are bad markup
  49. padding and margin properties of CSS. https://flexboxfroggy.com/.
  50. https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/ https://2021.stateofthebrowser.com/speakers/rachel-andrew/
  51. have the content/text in a row and have the content spaced evenly
  52. Go through this page's list and make sure it is all up to date and possibly tick a few things off that are easy to do or can be done on one page then applied globally.
  53. Add more alt="Stuffgoeshere"
  54. https://wtools.io/breadcrumb-json-ld-schema-generator
  55. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNf8BnCrUZA&t=378
  56. Local https://www.bing.com/search?q=website+javascript+automate+breadcrombs&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN
  57. Github profile readme.
  58. Community project section.
  59. Be more open with what change I am planning on making. Which in turn means transferring all notes on stuff to change into these lists on stuff I plan on doing or changing.
  60. Research what to put on homepage and possbily make changes to the main page
  61. Talk about the website(s) and tool(s) I use or recommend for stuff related to the website(s).
  62. Design a 3D printed business card featuring something technology-oriented.

Completed tasks.

These are primarily based on what was removed from this file from this date range: 2021-05-24 to 2022-03-12

The newest changes are meant to be at the bottom.

  1. If you reject cookies the reset cookie consent button disapears. Is this how it should be?
  2. Day night theme no js.
  3. Add something along the lines of < me ta na me="description" con tent="Contact Page." /> on every page.
  4. Add the website name under the logo and remove the current text name because it iwll be combined into the logo specifically made for this website.
  5. Java Change name of theme displayed.
  6. Day night theme save preference and use system default.
  7. Fix the toggle dark mode not actually saving/not being retrieved.
  8. Click button to take you to the top of the page.
  9. Make the "Alert(s)" hidden when not actually in use
  10. NHEB (New Heart English Bible) Version of the Bible for the ForLaterBlog.
  11. Make sure that The Websites text name that was under the logo is completely removed.
  12. Work on New Business Card
  13. Work on template/default development pages.
  14. SSL Certificates.
  15. Robots.txt
  16. Look into "name="keywords" content"
  17. Trello?
  18. Email Legal stuff.
  19. Make sure indentations on most of the HTML and js is perfect.
  20. Have www. redirect to main domain name or root redirect to www
  21. Maybe something like this: removethistextandthethingstotheright>/removethistextandthethingstotheright>?php // Permanent 301 Redirect via PHP header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: https://otgt.us.eu.org"); exit(); ?>
  22. http://help.dottoro.com/lhquobhe.php
  23. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=This+XML+file+does+not+appear+to+have+any+style+information+associated+with+it.+The+document+tree+is+shown+below
  24. Add more and better HTML comments.
  25. Look into using Static Site Generator because of easier templateing.
  26. https://zwbetz.com/convert-your-plain-old-html-site-to-hugo/
  27. https://gitlab.com/pages/hugo
  28. https://gitlab.com/pages/hugo/container_registry
  29. SASS / SCSS is the advantage of using extended version.
  30. Look into static site generators
  31. sitemap https://code.google.com/archive/p/sitemap-generators/wikis/SitemapGenerators.wiki
  32. sitemap http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/
  33. add link to sitemap
  34. CSS grid https://codepip.com/games/grid-garden/
  35. fix sitemap table not resizeing perfectly. (Width not resizeing automatically seems like it is hardcoded to a specific length, forcing it to be wider then the viewport.)
  36. have to modify sitemap.xml more a couple more little changes. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Sitemap+chamge+frequencey+monthly https://slickplan.com/blog/xml-sitemap-priority-changefreq
  37. https://www.jolts.world/index.php/jolts/article/view/47/102
  38. Look into "http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> initial-scale=1.0"/>"
  39. web development what is the private folder used for on a website
  40. https://ogp.me/
  41. custom 404 error page https://www.justinmind.com/blog/best-404-pages/ https://www.searchenginejournal.com/404-page-examples/211154/ https://www.designrush.com/agency/website-design-development/trends/custom-404-error-pages https://designshack.net/articles/inspiration/what-makes-a-great-404-error-page/
  42. https://www.easyname.com/en/support/hosting/158-what-do-the-http-status-codes-such-as-403-404-500-mean https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/introduction.html#custom-error-codes-pages
  43. Experiment with auto height and width on contacy iframe
  44. Combine .js and .css into one file?
  45. S/MIME Email.
  46. alternative ways to make changing and making new content easier, like better templates and better comments.
  47. W3C Validation
  48. https://validator.w3.org/
  49. https://pages.cloudflare.com/ was originally going to be netlify for http headers and possibly other things
  50. Add Expires headers https://otgt.us.eu.org/default.css https://otgt.us.eu.org/default.js https://otgt.us.eu.org/logo_transparent.png https://otgt.us.eu.org/images/favicon.png?
  51. https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=https%3A%2F%2Fotgt.us.eu.org%2F
  52. https://tools.pingdom.com/#5febf6b5de000000
  53. Onload load JS file possibly instead of function then load.
  54. If dark mode is chosen and you relaod page quickly it flashes?
  55. Work on sizing of logo on mobile because it causes the contact link to go into the white area.
  56. Increase the size of the save and delete and checkbox following "https://web.dev/tap-targets/?utm_source=lighthouse&utm_medium=lr"
  57. "Explain the purpose of each form field" "This page contains 9 links" "CSS properties are overridden" "CSS selector is duplicated" "Do all third-party resources deliver the right content"
  58. Look into https://gtmetrix.com/reports/otgt.us.eu.org/WekleLQT/
  59. Decide which one out of these next four to go with:
  60. Make logo smaller on mobile and put them under the logo.
  61. dropdown menu or column
  62. Add a drop down menu style navigation like the hamburger style.
  63. Make image smaller so there is more space between the navigation items on mobile.
  64. This is going to be the new dark mode system. Obviously colors will be changed. https://mhmatthewhugley.github.io/temporary-webpage/ Alongside the implementation of it I will be removeing the "&'nbsp" and implementing padding and margin properties of CSS and flexbox. And with that saving the color mode should also be transfered over.
  65. Add a gray color mode inbetween the dark and light mode or make the light mode darker or the dark mode a lil brighter. Aka a third color option.
  66. When clicking save/delete buttons even if you click cancel it still goes through with the action. This issue needs some javascript code to be added to fix it.
  67. Verify that "Java" Changes the name of the theme displayed.
  68. https://www.sitepoint.com/quick-tip-persist-checkbox-checked-state-after-page-reload/ compared to current way
  69. https://tools.pingdom.com
  70. https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_meta.asp
  71. Look into jsinformationaltext.
  72. Make sure the changing of themes still allows the pages to display correctly. (mainly talking about the blog with a spreadsheet.).
  73. Js file recreates the manage cookie button and banner? duplicate? [id] attributes on active, focusable elements are not unique 2 prebanner buttons?
  74. Image elements do not have explicit width and height
  75. Current layout vs putting the navigation links in a column instead of a row.
  76. Add border to the cookie banner and change color of button border to the theme changing color.
  77. https://web.dev/measure/
  78. Maybe use this https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
  79. Look into replacing the mailto on the contact page with "https://tally.so/" because chromium thinks it is insecure.
  80. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50734418/even-after-clicking-cancel-the-form-gets-submitted
  81. modify tachyons.min.css so it only contains what is actually used.
  82. Look into adding spacing to the color mode switcher similar to the manage cookie button and making it sticky and stay in the same spot no matter where you scroll. And animation when hovering and add hovering animation maybe to the banner buttons.
  83. https://github.com/uniquadev/GuiToLuaConverter
  84. Pages that have at least one image of older formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG or BMP. Encode your images in AVIF or WebP formats rather than older formats to improve page loading speed.
  85. Switch from glowcookies to https://github.com/orestbida/cookieconsent
  86. https://wave.webaim.org/report#/otgt.us.eu.org
  87. Get rid of meta refresh tag and make button redirect instead
  88. https://www.dareboost.com/en/report/a_26251042780792d33648dd3a6?reportIds=a_26251042780792d33648dd3a6 Left off on: "Search engines may not use your page description"
  89. Look at https://www.dareboost.com/en/report/a_26251fc8a80792d33648dddf6?reportIds=a_26251fc8a80792d33648dddf6 specifically This page does not specify a breadcrumb for search engines
  90. More updated report https://www.dareboost.com/en/report/a_4625f7f13810058746df6df85?reportIds=a_4625f7f13810058746df6df85
  91. "https://pastebin.com/h94iXXfM" if do not track is on dont show the reset button
  92. Fix on Android kiwi browser Reset cookie-consent button is not hidden
  93. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/418503/common-header-footer-with-static-html
  94. indexable nofollow and the other names for them rel 403 404 blog10, 11, 12, 13, 14 card contact plan template thank-you
  95. Blog4 and 5 make tables mobile friendly.
  96. Fade when clicking the accept or reject cookie banner buttons.