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Home>Blog>2022 Blog Post(s)>Variations on a childhood song

Blog: 11 Date: 2022-07-23

Variations for the song "You are my sunshine".

Two versions of the song.

Original Version

                        You are my sunshine	(original)

                        You are my sunshine, my only
                    sunshine. You make me happy when
                    the skies are grey, you’ll never know
                    dear how much I love you, please
                    don’t take my sunshine away.

mom's version

                        You are my sunshine (mom’s version)

                        You are my sunshine, my sweet baby
                    sunshine, you make me happy when the
                    skies are grey. You’ll never know my sweet
                    baby dear, how much I love you,
                    please don’t take my sweet baby
                    sunshine away